Friday, October 17, 2008

Media Trip, Literally

Well my full time gig is a Marketing Manager for a fishing lure Manufacturer. Part of that gig is shooting some photos each year for marketing campaigns and all that good stuff. Each year my company holds an outdoor writers gathering at a lake in NW TN called Reelfoot Lake. Blue Bank Resort puts us up or should I say puts up with us as we come in an d literally take over the compound for 4 or 5 days each year. They are great hosts and man what a place. This year the weather actually held off for us so photos were actually accomplished. This is one of my bigger deals that I manage each year and with around 48 people coming in its a bigger deal than most would expect. Most events my trip starts on Saturday but had to wait until Sunday this year due to some plane flights etc... and probably a good idea as my 4 year old little buddy/son gave me a 24 hour stomach virus that knocked me down pretty hard on Sunday. So after figuring out the geographical oddity I had placed upon me I chilled out on Sunday and got some meds and then up at and at them and the crack of dawn on Monday and headed to the lake. Camera equipment in tow I was pretty beat down and weak from drinking water and eating 2 small pieces of toast over 48 hours time. Anyway, I show up to a bunch of folks and good friends working hard and getting stuff done. Wanting to make sure all was well, I stashed the camera and got to checking on folks. My Buddies Terry Brown from was there, Alan Clemmons from Huntsville Times and many others were there working hard so I hung out with them and caught up on the scoop from the night before. Mark Davis one of our fisherman tells some awesome stories so I got the 2nd hand version of those, very funny. I ate a few french fries and chilled on sips of Coca-cola. For those of you who don't know me well I don't sip drinks, I drink them by the route 44 cup fulls, there is one on my desk as I type actually! almost time for another one! Anyway, dinner, stories, camaraderie were great on Monday and then beddie by time! My roomie T-Witt came in and after a few minutes of silence and darkness I got blasted by him. "HEY, I didn't see a Camera in your hand once today, what the heck is wrong with you!!!!" Okay, okay, I'll shoot tomorrow! So I did, plenty of them!
Tuesday was a new day and after some OJ I was ready to roll. Not feeling a 100% I still grabbed the camera and headed out. Around lunch time I ran into Kevin VanDam, aka KVD! KVD is a poodle on acid and so to run into to him in the daylight hours in the same place is rare at one of these events. I told him I needed some shots and we were off. 1 video, 2 still camera guys (me included) and 2 trolling motor caddy guys (Thanks T-Witt and Luke) we were shooting. This dude is a machine. We pull up to this little lake and I mean little and he is full bore 76mph across the water and casting and catching. He catches a small fish then boats a 5 and then a 3 and that's after he pulled 20 pounds from that spot that morning! A freaking machine! So we do fishing shots, grip and grins and some other cool "Sexy Shad" stuff and we were off. Some other guys were there as well so we ran over to Greg Hackney and shot him too! Man what an afternoon!
Got a great steak for supper, an awesome baked potato and Sweeeeet Tea and beddie bye time............not yet. Mark Davis had more stories and then pulled out the guitar
and kumbya time it was. Around midnight I tanked and couldn't hang, its a work night dude! Anyway, off to bed and travel day on Wed. What a week and what good folks. Here are some shots with KVD and Hack, you might see these again in some ads somewhere so look close.
Special thanks again to Blue Bank for having us and to KVD and Hack for the time for the pics and to T-Witt, AC, Luke, Menendez, Dan-O and Brownie for the fun, see ya'll next time. Thanks for reading and looking! God Bless, CB