Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas from the road

By the time ya'll read this I will be loaded up in the family van driving the crew to 'Bama for the holidays. A quick trip none the less, but here's a Christmas Eve wish for you all in hopes that Santa is good to each of you. From my family to yours, I pray you all have a very blessed CHRISTmas!! I'll be back before the New Year to bring you a first ever "The year in pics accordig to me" should be fun. Until next time, have a wonderful CHRISTmas!!
Make Sure you get some rest too! Sarah Bailey and I sure am!
(this was actually taken back in the summer, she wont lie that still anymore!)
Thanks for reading, Happy Holidays & God Bless!
Chris (& the crew)
John 3:16
PS: If your still scratiching your head over gift ideas for me, remember I like Canon Camera Equipment........grin!

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